I'm Jason.
a programmer.

Build fully-fledged websites, web apps (PWAs), and REST APIs for your startup or business. Optimization, Testing, Deployment, Data Storage.
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript ES6, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, Node.js, NPM, Express.js, EJS, REST, APIs, Databases, SQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, PostgreSQL, Authentication, Firebase, Lighthouse, Jest, RTL, React.js, React Hooks, JWT, Next.js, TypeScript, SEO, SSH, Python Flask, CRUD, CDN, SSL, Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku, Digital Ocean, and MongoDB Atlas
Create data pipeline workflows to analyze, visualize, and gain insights from data. Using NumPy for numerical processing, Pandas for data manipulation, Matplotlib to create fully customized data visualizations, and Seaborn to create beautiful statistical plots all inside an Anaconda data science environment.
Python, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Jupyter Notebooks, Anaconda
Design and build computer programs in C, Python, and JavaScript to automate tasks and perform other functions.
Python, JavaScript, C language, Linux, Git, Github, RegEx, CLI, Shell Scripting, SSH
Secure workstations and networks from intrusions. Test systems for weaknesses.
Disks and File System Permissions, Manage Users and Groups, Networking, Firewall, Kali Linux, VMs, terminal (CLI, Bash, Terminator, Tmux, Oh my Zosh), Shell Scripting, Task Automation, SSH
Vox Eterna
E-Commerce App
other projects